Support Networks

Connecting with and learning from other teachers is a great way to get new ideas and inspiration. 

The Education for Sustainability Curriculum Project (2014) identified support networks as important to build teachers’ capacity in EfS, especially as “the networking styles of professional development are more aligned with a sustainability perspective which values diversity, partnership, relationships and behaviour change, rather than purely knowledge and skills”. 

Below are some teacher support networks that you may find useful:


Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE)

AAEE has a strong membership base, offering many networking opportunities.


Australian Education Union (AEU)

The AEU advocates for a quality public education which is accessible to all Australians. AEU represents its members industrially and professionally in diverse forums, including negotiation and advocacy over a wide range of matters including salaries and teaching and learning conditions.


Australian Institute for School Leadership (AITSL)

AITSL provide a number of  illustrations of practice for teachers at different stages of their teaching experience showcasing sustainability in a variety of learning areas.


Catholic Earthcare Australia

Catholic Earthcare Australia provides teacher support, networking and resources.


Cool Australia

Cool Australia has developed a Cool Communities site for teachers interested in sharing ideas and resources on Education for Sustainability. Cool Australia also provide professional development on Education for Sustainability.


Eco Schools

Eco Schools is a global network of schools which encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it.


Independent Education Union

The Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA) is the federally registered industry union representing all employees working in non-government schools and institutions across Australia.


Scootle Community

Scootle community is a national professional learning network for all educators. A place to belong, connect and share. Log in with your .edu email address.